Special battery to prevent circuit
When the battery is short circuit, the short current can reach hundreds amperes. The shorter the - contact, the greater the - current, so all the will produce a lot heat, in the weak of the heat is , the connection will fuse, in a short circuit. local battery may produce gas (gas explosion set exist when charging or), in the junction when sparks, will cause the explosion; if the battery short circuit current is particularly large, may not fuse junction phenomenon, but will be a short overheating will damage the connecting strip around, the and other problems left . Therefore, short-circuit the battery not have, should be careful in the installation use, use tools insulation should be taken, the should be other than first electrical battery connected, after inspection without short-circuit, finally connected to the , the standard wiring should well insulated to prevent arising from the breakdown .
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- #09-08 Toh Guan Centre,
- 608609 SINGAPORE
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